This term (Term 3) , I will be focusing on how to make good travel brochure. Using this blogger and my maximum tech savvy skills, then I feel that this is how I plan on attacking that. I will try to show my clients the world with this brochure. This blogger and brochure will reflect the places that I have been to, that portray the places that are close to my heart and also the ones where they are stored in long term memory. Some may even be picked from the internet.
Design Situation
Azaan Ali Khan, travel agent who is willing to help other tourism organizations and I will really need to be able to convince others to go to certain places of the world so that people can have a bigger perspective of what they might be missing out on. To do this, I must be able to make a brochure to make convince others. This brochure should be able to convince others to see the place and when they come back, they shouldn't say that it was a waste of their time.
Pinterest. 2017. 17 Best images about layout design on Pinterest | Corporate business, Brochure template and Creative brochure design. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/nayregard/layout-design/. [Accessed 15 April 2017].
That idea was a good one because there were lots of ideas grouped together, with a big amount of space for text and there is also a place for writing the destination name and finally, also a place having the picture. So, I really like how I might try to get an idea like that.
DesignMaz. 2017. 40+ Best Travel and Tourist Brochure Design Templates 2016. [ONLINE] Available at: https://designsmaz.com/travel-and-tourist-brochure-design-templates/. [Accessed 15 April 2017].
This reference is a very good one about having Travel Brochures specifically designed for using really good travel related brochures. Sadly, I don't have a picture of the ideas I got from this reference as it was in quite a huge amounts. I was also given the options to be able to make the brochure in downloads so I could get to know the brochure more and use it for a good submitting project.
Google Maps . 2017. At the end of Dubai . [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.google.ae/maps/place/Atlantis,+The+Palm/@25.1307587,55.1168372,3a,75y,139.59h,97.13t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-B0cbLWl-5SU%2FVmQJx2sq9rI%2FAAAAAAAATnM%2FiK69Myv_cVsnmeKiXp6qkmpkgWYJ3qsZACJkC!2e4!3e11!6s%2F%2Flh6.googleusercontent.com%2F-B0cbLWl-5SU%2FVmQJx2sq9rI%2FAAAAAAAATnM%2FiK69Myv_cVsnmeKiXp6qkmpkgWYJ3qsZACJkC%2Fw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya81.14053-ro-0-fo100%2F!7i7168!8i3584!4m5!3m4!1s0x3e5f153e3609c979:0x5945a418a804ac5!8m2!3d25.1304426!4d55.1171498!6m1!1e1. [Accessed 26 April 2017]. Better Homes LLC. 2017. Palm Jumeirah - Dubai Villas & Apartments | Better Homes LLC. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.bhomes.com/uae/palmjumeirah.xhtml. [Accessed 28 April 2017]. 2daydubai - dubai-palm-jumeirah. 2017. 2daydubai - dubai-palm-jumeirah. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.2daydubai.com/pages/dubai-palm-jumeirah-island.php. [Accessed 29 April 2017]. Pinterest. 2017. Ultra Luxury Bus,Super Luxury Bus, Buses to Chennai, Bangalore to Hyderabad, Buses to Coimbatore, Buses to Agra, Volvo & Mercedes Buses | Pinterest | Buses, Th…. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/381961612116150888/. [Accessed 29 April 2017].
AttractionTix Blog. 2017. The 5 Must-Visit Water Parks in Dubai - AttractionTix Blog. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.attractiontix.co.uk/blog/2016/01/21/5-must-visit-water-parks-in-dubai/. [Accessed 29 April 2017].
Atlantis Palm Jumeirah Dubai, Palm Island Dubai, UAE - Free N Easy Travel - Hotel & Resorts Reservation Services. 2017. Atlantis Palm Jumeirah Dubai, Palm Island Dubai, UAE - Free N Easy Travel - Hotel & Resorts Reservation Services. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.fnetravel.com/english/uae/dubaihotel/jumeirah/pegasus/atlantis-palm-jumeirah-dubai.html. [Accessed 29 April 2017].
2017. The Lost Chambers Aquarium | Atlantis The Palm Dubai. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.atlantisthepalm.com/marine-water-park/lost-chambers-aquarium?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=socialmedia&utm_term=post&utm_campaign=yoga-lost-chambers&CID=sm_%3Eorganic%3Efacebook%3Eyoga-lost-chambers. [Accessed 29 April 2017].
insydo. 2017. Divers Down Dubai | Dubai | Palm Jumeirah | Snorkeling & Diving | insydo. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.insydo.com/divers-down-dubai/5059. [Accessed 29 April 2017].
After conjuring this amount of research, I have decided upon how the brochure should be created. Let's put it to you as simple as possible. I feel that this project should look like the very first brochure at the very top. Although I do understand that this work cannot just be a one idea taken in consideration, I will also have to try to take in the other ideas into consideration. Design Brief
So, I must decide on what will go onto my brochure. I have decided that the concept of the creation must follow the first idea, which means: There should lots of good, easy and understandable text for the project. Then there should be a nice picture (preferably animated) to give the reader an idea of the work I have to go through. Then there has to be a good title to be able to show where we are going. Finally, the project should be colorful with good basic colors such as: Red, Yellow, Green, Black, Blue, etc.
I also mentioned on how I should have the ability to be able to make connections between the destinations, from the slipstream of a plane. If this all sound confusing (regarding the connections) then I will show you a picture of what I need in the brochure.
It am still a little bit unsure what my project will contain but I am sure that I will come up with something. I have done enough research and I have a good rigid idea of what I need to do.
Global Context
This project focuses quite heavily on the ability to be able to express ideas not only analytically and concisely and informatively, but also because there should be the ability to have creativity on expressing ideas such as: How can I make the text easy to understand for 8 year old's if I am 57 year old man making this brochure? How can I want people to read the brochure again and again about the places that they are going to go to? How are they going to be able to enjoy, not only the trip, but also the leaflet? This all falls under the fact that the project needs the ability to be creative.
Creative expression allow me and you to be able to work to an extent where everyone can enjoy the brochure, from the person who creates it, approves it and reads it and most importantly, those who are influenced by it. It's there for a purpose and that is that it is quite good to be creative about making important projects.
There is this slight touch about the fact that the IB Curriculum is used to be able to use: Personal and Cultural Expression. This Global Context follows two strands:
It makes perfect sense, the first strand focuses mainly on the Global Context and the second one focuses on the project.
ATL Skills
I will be using the
following ATL Skills in this project: Creative Thinking, Communication and
Information Literacy. I will have to use these for the following reasons:
I need Creative Thinking to be able to properly be able to design a good looking and very informative brochure and so that makes the project able to appeal and be very useful to the audience, at the same time. It needs Communication because I need to be able to tell the audience that the destination is completely worth it and that it will be able to give the audience the willingness to come. This ATL is probably the most important. Information Literacy is the use of technology to make certain things come true. So, this one is definitely used to be able to make brochures through computer and that I don't need to be able to ask for a manual approach. 21/4/2017 It's literally two days into the 21st and the design of the brochure was due yesterday for Criterion B.
Criterion B: Developing Ideas
I feel that the main highlight within my brochure is that it has the touch of being basic and nothing that the audience cannot understand. To be very honest, I really feel that this project is supposed to be audience-friendly. This way the brochure can persuade the audience towards the will of coming Palm Jumeirah.
Well, at first it seemed that the project was going to be hard to divide into as I thought Burj Al Arab was located in Palm Jumeirah but it turns out that it is located near Jumeirah Beach, which is quite far from the actual Palm Jumeirah. That was how the project got a little bit easier as I had crossed out Burj Al Arab. So, I could do the other destinations with a little bit of space left. Overall, I think that this project would get me a level 6 or so, as it has nothing, "WOW!" to it but it doesn't have many bad things in it either. That means that the project is going to look like a decent brochure.
CRITERION C: Creating the solution
Above is the project that I have been working on for making and for the persuasion of making the audience to come to Palm Jumeirah. This project took a lot of time to be working on Microsoft Publisher, of which both were quite hard to manage because of the fact that the information cramming and the ability to be able to manage so many text boxes to be able that the work is able to be able to get on the brochure and nothing is floating anywhere else. Speaking of which, the title that say Outside and Inside says that the first picture will be on the outside and the second will be on the inside.
I learn't about how to select multiple objects such as text boxes and pictures and etc. I also learnt how to manage information and to see how to remove the hyphen on the words that get cut off. I learn't to be able to be a little bit more creative and how to be able to manage backgrounds.
There were quite a bit of changes that were different from my planning from Criterion B and A. I had thought to be able to focus on a specific layout but, lo and behold, I had taken a little bit of a turn. Mainly because of my Geography skills, to tell where certain locations are found (whether on or off Palm Jumeirah.)
So, after creating the Criterion C Brochure, the class was informed us to make a survey to be able to have opinions raised about them. So, I had my own brochure to make my brochure go through the thought process of others.
The name of brochure that I used, is called, "Typeform" and trust me it's good. It can make questions and options and finally, very nice styles. Please use this website as it is very good.
"How to you feel Azaan?"
To be very honest, to reflect on the survey is quite the good question. I really didn't come prepared for this question, but I should have a say in this question.
So I guess that after doing a bit analysis of the survey, I really feel that most of the people who were viewing my blog were really nice to me or maybe I did really good for the brochure. Some people really hurt me with their comments, but that only tells me that I need to make the brochure better. I would like to point something very good about this brochure and this really gives me a good hypothesis is this: I am able to tell what my MYP mark will be due to these people's recommendations. This is possible because there are a lot of people in this brochure.
So I guess that after doing a bit analysis of the survey, I really feel that most of the people who were viewing my blog were really nice to me or maybe I did really good for the brochure. Some people really hurt me with their comments, but that only tells me that I need to make the brochure better. I would like to point something very good about this brochure and this really gives me a good hypothesis is this: I am able to tell what my MYP mark will be due to these people's recommendations. This is possible because there are a lot of people in this brochure.
So, to conclude this project, I skipped through the whole process like a breeze. So, let's begin. It all started with Criterion A, where we were gaining resources then we had to understand the situation (Design Situation) and so on so forth. Then Criterion B was all about creating the draft plan for the brochure. Then Criterion C is making the actual brochure of which was done on Microsoft Publisher. Finally Criterion D is evaluating the project by doing the survey and blogger.
Finally here I am. This is one of the last topics for Grade 8 and I am finally feeling that this project had gone quite fast. I feel that I should be working a little bit harder with the brochure, to say that I could've done a better location or but better information.
I must admit that I give credit to my parents to help me with this project as they were able to give a good amount of information about the Palm and they were able to produce a sufficient amount of help for the brochure design. Overall, I feel that this project had been a fine one but not a break-through the pain that I faced about Tech Fair to cover me up. There is still time before this year ends and so I hope for a success for the future.